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*I'm hoping to polish some scenes and edits over the next few days- but for now, here is what I have! I had massive writer's block and wasn't able to send in the past few submissions, so any sort of feedback would be super helpful to me. :)
Jane Shaller is a 47-year-old female superhero that feels like her world has ended when she wounds up with a permanently injured arm.
Act 1-1
It’s a rainy day, and we see a man standing inside a hospital room.
Jane’s superior holds up a sheet of paper that shows Jane’s information as a superhero. He puts the paper down, revealing Jane sitting upright in a hospital bed.
Jane’s superior tells Jane that considering her left arm’s injury is severe, and she is “near the retirement age for a superhero anyway”, she will be discharged from her services.
Jane is baffled by the news of forced retirement and argues that she can still recover and resume her hero activities.
Her superior shakes his head, saying that the decision is final.
Act 1-2
Jane is discharged from the hospital.
As she is walking home, she sees a kid struggling to get his balloon that is stuck in a tree.
She tries to help by using her powers.
The boy gets excited.
However, she struggles to make her powers work and ends up popping the balloon.
The boy is disappointed and says. “Nobody cares about a superhero if they can’t help you!”
Jane is left alone, upset about feeling powerless.
Act 1-3
Jane opens her apartment door.
And is shocked to see that someone has made her place a mess.
Jane is looking around when she hears a "meow". Confused, her gaze follows the mess to…
A black cat. Sitting in front of an open window.
Act 2-1
Jane calls the animal shelter but is told that it will take a week for them to schedule a pick-up for the cat.
Jane cuts the call and looks at the cat and says, “You can stay, but ONLY for a week. So don't expect any special treatment from me.”
The cat looks at Jane.
Jane keeps staring.
The cat stares back, but with really cute eyes.
Jane sets up a nice bean bag for the cat.
Act 2-2
Unable to accept the fact that she will no longer be a superhero, Jane tries to regain her powers by training at home. The cat stays by her side, helping or sometimes interrupting her.
Unfortunately, the hasty rehab exercises make her situation worse. One day, she seems to almost regain control when she is lifting up the couch.. However, after an abrupt burst of energy, she loses control all at once.
Jane tries again, only to realize that she has permanently lost her powers.
Devastated, Jane hunches down to the floor. The cat tries to rub itself against her, but she walks away.
Jane goes into her bedroom.
The cat tries to follow her in. Jane pushes the cat out, but the cat meows at Jane.
Forgetting that her powers are gone, Jane waves her hands to try and close the door but fails. Frustrated, she walks over and shuts the door.
Act 2-3
Jane opens her eyes.
She is lying on the ground, staring at the rainy sky.
She looks to her left and sees that her arm is crushed underneath blocks of concrete and debris.
She then goes through a very bad trip where she is unable to move but relives her trauma. People point at her saying she is useless. Her superior turns her back, shaking his head.
Jane feels hopeless… and at that moment, a small black cat appears.
Act 2-4
Jane wakes up with the black cat meowing at Jane’s face.
The cat is sitting on Jane’s chest.
She sees that her window is open, with the rain and wind coming into the bedroom.
She closes the window and looks at the cat. The cat is wet because it came through the window. Jane realizes the cat came in because it was trying to wake Jane up from her nightmare.
Jane lies back down in bed and the cat makes itself a bed next to her. This time, Jane lets it stay.
Act 3-1
The next day, people from the animal shelter come to pick the cat up.
However, Jane changes her mind and decides to keep the cat.
Act 3-2
Fast forward a month later, Jane comes home, calling out for the cat. She says that she has a present.
While Jane is talking, the wall displays Jane’s honorary discharge certificate, showing that she has officially retired.
Jane puts a collar on cat’s neck, saying that she’s finally managed to get one. The name "Sunny" is engraved onto the collar.
The two sit on the couch together, enjoying yet another peaceful day.
This is where the special thanks would go! I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.
Special Thanks:
Jungsun (Joyce)