Jimmy (1 like)
I really like your character design and how you have Wren balancing what her parents want (a normal like) vs what she wants (to be a super hero). Did being bad at school make her want to be a hero even more? This is a really solid act 1.
Aug 23, 2022, 3:51 AM
Paul E (2 likes, 2 helpfuls)
Oml! Please finish the rest of this story! It's good! And I love anything that has to do with superheroes because I am a really big marvel fan. So your storyline hooked me in the beginning already because of my love for superheroes! I like how the antagonists are her parents which is good because I like to see where a family can come to a mutual understanding. I kind of agree with the parents because I wouldn't want my child to get hurt. By I also like her opinion on things because if I had superpowers, I would want to fight crime! Like every kid, they want to save the world or make it a better place!
Aug 23, 2022, 12:18 AM
Jinghang (1 like)
Thank you soooo much! Your comment really means a lot to me! 🥰 I’ll try my best to finish act 2&3!
Aug 25, 2022, 5:13 PM
Alexandra (1 like)
Ohh this has a lot of potential!! I love the mysterious plot going on in there. Can't wait to see more of it someday! :D
Plus your art is great!! Love Wren's concept a lot!
Aug 22, 2022, 1:35 AM
Eden (1 helpful)
Wow! The art style is great! Wren is such a relatable character, I also love to cosplay XD
I would love to see the completed short, and would love to know more about Wren's powers! Keep up the great work!
Aug 22, 2022, 12:32 AM
Audrey (1 like)
I like your art style! This story is pretty relatable since Wren is just a teen and her parents want her to be safe. I do like that she's a superhero, though. That's so cool!
Aug 21, 2022, 8:27 PM
Reese (1 like)
I really like the act 1 of this story! It’s relatable because of the parents but it is still creative and unique. Great Job!
Aug 21, 2022, 12:01 PM
Kalen (1 like)
I like the whole Act 1, even though I haven't seen acts 2 and 3 yet. I like the idea of someone's parents wanting their daughter to have a regular future, but she wanted to be a hero.
Aug 20, 2022, 10:39 PM
Mason (1 helpful)
I don't think you have to be sorry you didn't finish, you still got something turned in which is still really good! Sorry to hear you had a bad cold and you still did a great job with the story!
Aug 20, 2022, 12:05 AM
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I’m really sorry that I haven’t finished the whole three acts of this story because of my long lasting bad cold. This video is act 1 of my story “Wren”, which I have planned to talk about a teenager’s journey of finding her true self. Hope you like it! The background music is “Bundle of Joy”.
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Special Thanks:
Toby Song