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I think that this is an incredibly emotional and personal story. The portrayal of music as spirits is so creative and I never would have considered that while writing my own story. I really love how you were able to portray anxiety and panic attacks so realistically. I just wish that there was a nice old person sitting next to all of those who need assistance working through a panic attack. Thank you so much for sharing this raw and groovy story!


Aug 26, 2022, 12:53 AM



I love the little touches you've added here like the hint of color at the beginning, fantastic job of planting the seeds early on! And what a cute concept! I love how the different music tastes are shown and the way you were able to get across emotion through zero dialogue, great job!


Aug 25, 2022, 6:55 PM



this is a very harmul and relatable story that i think all of us can identify with, the message and the art is very clear and the music helps a lot to understand and feel the story, great job!


Aug 24, 2022, 4:59 PM


Andrew (1 like)

If I can borrow a quote from Grunkle Stan, "Oh this...This is beautiful." There are several artistic choices in here that I love, but if I had to narrow them down, it would be how the title in the intro is gradually filled in, the out-of-body dancing spirits represented by different colors, and the panic attacks gradually coming in overwhelming waves of anxiety, be it through the background colors changing from white to grey to black, the sounds of the heartbeat subtly getting louder, and the reminders and questions appearing around Tempo in a black void, eventually encompassing nearly the entire screen.

Speaking of the notifications, this brings me to what I think the message of the short is, which is how you deal with the daily problems in your life. While Tempo does try to ignore them and focus on something she likes to do, doing so, in a way, further adds to her anxiety of having to deal with so much and stressing over how to deal with it. It isn't until she is brought back down to earth by the stranger (who I find looks similar to Garnet from Steven Universe) that she calms down and manages to handle herself. And I believe she realizes that staying away from your problems and issues will only increase the risk of them happening, potentially right in your face.


Aug 23, 2022, 3:53 AM



Congrats on your final reel! I love this story idea, and the conflict your character is facing. I think this is a very creative fantastical answer to combatting anxiety with the power of music, and I think your audio editing suits it well. If I had one thing I would like to see pushed further in your future work, its your overall cinematography! Many of your shots are either close up or full body, and they are always centered in frame. How can you move stuff around and make the composition feel weighted, or anxious, or fun and free to amplify what Tempo is feeling, or use the camera to do so? Great job this summer, you executed a great body of work.


Aug 23, 2022, 2:45 AM



Dance break on a train! I loved it. That was my favorite sequence. Congrats on finishing your reel!
The different music for each person was really fun, especially when they all lined up.

My only notes is that the panic and stress became slightly repetitive visually. Perhaps showing it in different ways?


Aug 22, 2022, 5:44 PM


Ho Kiu

Love your idea
Great sound choices too :)


Aug 22, 2022, 7:49 AM



Very interesting concept and I really liked the audio editing


Aug 22, 2022, 5:56 AM



Hi! First of all congratulations on finishing and delivering your reel. I think you did a great job that you can be proud of! I really like how you animated the intro and already gave a quick sneak peek in the solution of the problems shown in this short. The overwhelming effect of getting many notifications is very familiar, same as having the temporary escape from it by music. Overall I think the reel was very good to follow. I think some of the frames could use some more time, but this is a very nit-picky feedback point. Also, it would be cool to see the older lady listening to a music genre that you wouldn't expect from her (like rock or metal music) - because I think that we all find our peace in a different genre of music. I think you did a great job in telling the story. Well done! 💪


Aug 21, 2022, 10:47 PM



Oho, I really like Tempo! Like the story is very subtle with your use of close ups and camera shots. The music and sound effects complements the story. The main character was also very easy to read and is very relatable, a young man with a love for music trying to get his life back in balance or tempo. Overall you did great. Congratulations on completing Tempo!


Aug 21, 2022, 10:25 PM



This is such a cute idea for a short. That animated title card is great. Timing and music is so hard for beginners, but I think you nailed it well. I really enjoyed when a new "music person" joined the group, the music would change and add a little bit of what they had into the mix, which I thought was super clever. There were times where I had to pause to take in a scene/frame because you moved very quickly, such as the first set of rushing thoughts (00:46) and your sub train car interior (1:00)((I felt like you were trying to make a statement of some kind, but it rushed by)). Do not worry about not having a face for your villain, internal conflict is just as powerful and I feel your main protagonist's struggle. Your design for your grandma figure was pretty nice, especially hair. The only problem I have is the deep-breathe-ing animations, and it's the medium of flat 2D drawings, mixing them 3D movement with your 2D characters was really weird, and I didn't get used to it, it was jarring and broke my suspension of disbelief. I know the deep-breathes are important for your character, but for now maybe just some arrows showing the IN and OUT, or maybe make it more subtle. In any case, you have a really solid piece right here. I hope to see more from you and I hope you keep up all the hard work. May you have a great rest of your summer.


Aug 21, 2022, 9:09 PM




Very cute opener, and I love the sound effects being well used. Also love the idea of how important music plays in the role of a person's life and feelings. Great Job!


Aug 21, 2022, 7:59 PM


Kyle (1 like)


First off, great use of sound/foley to really bring this world to life. The sound choices really portray the emotions perfectly! The choices in your character movements and animations are spot on. This has a really feel good vibe for how people can use music/dance as an escape from the stress of reality. I love the scene where the stranger helps her breathe her way through being overstressed and panicked. Them sharing music was the cherry on top. Great work!


Aug 21, 2022, 3:34 AM

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I am so excited to say that "Tempo" is ready to be viewed! A huge thank you to both the PIXAR team and fellow Story Experientials for your guidance and feedback throughout the course. ♥️ I never thought I would be able to bring this story to life, but with your encouragement, lessons, input, and support, Tempo has made it to the page and screen.

A draft in the making with eagerness to continue refining and adding to both the characters and their stories, I hope you enjoy the tale of Tempo and their love for music.


"Tempo" Description:

Through music, Tempo connects with fellow passengers and their inner spirit dancers, in an often isolating and stressful world.


"Tempo" Story Spine:

Once upon a time there was a person named Tempo.

Every day they raced to the subway and smiled at other riders, who were enthralled in their music and devices. Tempo often listened to their own music, enjoying the time and space to simply listen and feel joy.

One day, before listening, they noticed all of the notifications and 'to-dos' on their phone.

Because they saw all these notifications, they instantly felt overwhelmed and started to have a small panic attack.

Because they did not want to think about all they had to do, nor desire to feel so stressed and anxious, they took a deep breath and ignored all the notifications, plugging into music instead.

Because they plugged in, their 'spirit dancer/shadow self' came alive and started to dance all around the subway car cabin.

Because of their joy, they started to influence the whole cabin and the spirit dancers of those who were also listening to music, for they could see one another.

Tempo was feeling relaxed and full of joy until the train came to a stop in the tunnel, cutting off access to service/wifi and their music.

They checked their phone and saw all the notifications again.

Their panic attack immediately ensued and they started to hyperventilate, not being able to listen to music to calm down this time.

The person next to them, who's spirit dancer had danced with Tempo's, noticed and started to comfort Tempo, helping them regulate their breathing.

Tempo calmed down and was able to focus again, thanks to this stranger and their presence.

The train starts to move again and service is restored.

Tempo gets another notification, but is not bothered, and instead takes a deep breath.

The stranger then offers their earbud to Tempo and they listen to music together, their spirits coming to life.

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:





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