Royal (1 like)
Finally seeing the final results of your work is amazing!
The story is emotional, suspenseful, and powerful and can relate to anyone feeling the same level of guilt and loss von feels.
The character designs are great and at times pretty unnerving (in a good way)
The Voice work and also a highlight and matches well with how the characters on screen feels.
The whole thing feels cinematic and powerful and I would really love to see more of this on a grander scale. I seriously hope you consider continuing on with this project and full animate it. Good Job!
If you have an art twitter or insta, i would really love to follow it so i can see more art from you and to hopefully see more of this in the future!
Aug 27, 2022, 3:12 AM
Thanks for your thoughts! My insta is @brandons_canoe
Aug 29, 2022, 1:51 AM
Katime (1 like)
This story is deep and I love it.
Aug 25, 2022, 3:19 AM
Thank you! Glad you liked it!
Aug 25, 2022, 11:16 PM
Sebastian (1 like)
This is perfect! i gotta say it, you art looks so proffesional! this story is so impactul and powerful, you did an amazing job!
do you have any social media where i can see more of your beautiful art?
Aug 24, 2022, 5:23 PM
Thanks, man! Glad you liked it! If you would like to follow me, my instagram handle is @brandons_canoe
Aug 25, 2022, 3:03 AM
Aishah (1 like)
This is so cool!! Feels like watching a real animation rather than a storyboard :D I loved the suspense that builds up between the two personas, in which I think many could resonate having negative thoughts when we feel guilty about something we didn't have control over. Oh also, cool voice-over effects! Congratulations on completing the program :D
Aug 23, 2022, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the feedback, Aishah! Glad the build up of the suspense paid off in the end, it was one of the harder things to board. lol
Aug 23, 2022, 8:04 PM
Ivan (1 like)
Great job for getting it done! This is like a proper movie w animation and everything. Really love your artwork, the transitions, and the mood. I marked this as incredible. Would love to follow you on social media and see how this turns out!
Aug 22, 2022, 10:59 PM
Sure! My instagram is @brandons_canoe . Thanks for the feedback!
Aug 23, 2022, 12:02 AM
Paige (1 like)
Without audio your illustrated emotions are clearly expressed. I was confused with the part that the son was actually driving the car? Maybe I misheard, but other than that the conversation between himself and the reflection are clearly presented. I think it is great how the mirror became full circle into facing his problems upfront. It has been fun seeing your story evolve over this course!
Aug 22, 2022, 6:43 PM
Brandon (1 like, 1 helpful)
Yeah, my idea was that the son was the one driving the car when it swerved. Sorry if that wasn't clear :)
Aug 22, 2022, 9:25 PM
Winston (1 like, 1 helpful)
Visual Storytelling:
The drawing similarities and differences between Von Bell and his alter-ego-reflection, helps audiences visually understand that while the two are almost physically the same, the two are mentally different. The razor sharp teeth and small pupils defines a horror realization of Von's self, as the teeth's sharpness has a threatening vibe, while the small pupils indicates the insanity nature.
Character Development:
Von Bell's fear and guilt are noticeable throughout the story, as shown by Von's difficultly of looking at mirrors/reflections that will reflect (pun intended) his issues. Specifically, when Von was looking at the bathroom mirror [00:45-00:50], Von was immediately reminded of the car accident that killed his mother before looking away from the mirror. Besides having difficulties looking at reflections, Von ignores his father's phone calls, which further shows Von's denial of facing reality. Near the end of the story, the phone call from Von's father [05:25-05:42], provides enough motivation (and also the actual reality of the car accident) for Von to willingly fix his errors, as well as accepting/forgiving the fact that Von could not have stopped the car accident. By Von finally completing the ritual correctly, Von has conquered his alter-ego-reflection, while being able to his mother and calling his dad, Von has successfully coped through grief and guilt.
Story Structure:
One of the important turning points of the story is when Von does not properly perform the ritual. The result of Von's mistake involves the mixture of Von's want (to see his mother), and his troubled thoughts of the car accident. If Von did perform the ritual successfully early on, then the story would lack value and interest to Von's goal. At the same time, if Von cannot fix his mistake on doing the ritual incorrectly, then Von would be mentally trapped and linked with his reflection.
Final Thoughts:
What appeals to me in this story, is it takes a literal approach to "we ourselves are our own enemies". The story also shows the manifestation of guilt and fears, which are often times difficult to interpret since people have different interpretations of guilt and fear. Even though it would be a really scary thought if our own reflections were to become real like Von's, it has been a great enjoyment watching and critiquing "Reflection". Congratulations on making this far into the program, and best of luck.
Aug 22, 2022, 1:33 AM
Thanks for the feedback!
Your analysis was pretty spot on and incredibly detailed; yeah, I wanted the presence of the reflection to symbolize the character's guilt essentially, making itself physical, which was something Von had to eventually confront.
Aug 22, 2022, 9:28 PM
Bernabe (1 like, 1 helpful)
I loved it, I think some music would help add to the emotions.
Great job.
Aug 21, 2022, 8:02 PM
Brandon (1 like)
Yeah, I wanted to add music, but I didn't have enough time. Might update it tho.
Aug 22, 2022, 9:28 PM
Nikita (1 like)
Hey Brandon, I am glad to see the completed story! It feels totally different without the voiceover explanation, and the dialogue and sound effects are really on point and well written and acted out. I really liked your choice of demonic voice filter, super cool. The narrative flows well, there is a palpable sense of tension, and I really liked the demon's attempt to scare Von Bell away from the mirror, and the little pay off at the very very end was a sweet, touching moment. Good job!
Aug 21, 2022, 6:44 PM
Thanks Nikita, I'm glad you liked it.
Aug 22, 2022, 9:29 PM
Anna Maria (1 like)
Hi Brandon! Congratulations on your story! You did it. :D I really like how the entity's voice sounds. It's quite unnerving but it totally works! I also like how the entity does most of the talking to show Von Bell does in comparison. He's having difficulty to express how he feels and begins to talk and reflect more and more as he comes into terms about his mother's death. Congratulations again and wishing you all the best! :)
Aug 21, 2022, 4:05 PM
Thanks! That was actually something I purposefully wanted to add. When the reflection talks, it's almost taking the place of Von's thoughts about himself, which is why Von himself talks less, because it's literally a form of self-refleciton.
Aug 22, 2022, 9:30 PM
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Hey everyone, here is the (semi) completed version of my story; sidenote - I wasn't able to complete everything, which is why the final portions of the animatic are lower in quality. I pretty much had to rush to get this finished lol. Hope you enjoy it.
Premise: Von Bell, a young boy in his 20s, has to deal with the recent death of his mother. After browsing an internet forum, he discovers a secret ritual that allows people to see their dead loved ones. With nothing left to lose he tries it, but is he able to handle the consequences?
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