Daisy (1 helpful)
Hey Ivanfilm!
I had to double check to make sure it was you! I’m amazed you changed your whole story and managed to come out with this brilliant piece! I love the simplicity of it and how you were able to get through all 3 acts seamlessly. You did a great job! I love that Iman learned for himself that he doesn’t need recognition to keep learning. I was hoping for the mom to give him some praise and it was a nice twist to your story! I love this moral. Congrats on all your hard work!
Aug 25, 2022, 12:38 PM
Thanks Daisy! I'm glad you "get" the story and the theme. It's quite challenging to distill it to its essential so it doesn't run long. I have thought of not putting the mom storyline as others have suggested, but I was hoping for that "twist" which you totally caught :D
Aug 26, 2022, 4:13 PM
Levi (1 like)
strong stuff!
Aug 25, 2022, 6:38 AM
Aug 26, 2022, 4:17 PM
Royal (1 like)
really good story and really relatable along the way! you did amazing work!
Aug 24, 2022, 7:21 AM
Thank you for relating it, which is one of the hardest thing to do
Aug 26, 2022, 4:17 PM
Jason (1 like)
Good story moral that tied it all together. I like that he didn't get the prize but discovered the real achievement in himself. The drawings with less detail still carried a lot of emotion is that impressed me. This was definatly a pg7 Greek tragedy, very nice.
Aug 23, 2022, 6:53 PM
Actually, he got the "prize," but it falls short of his expectation which is challenging to convey on screen. Yout got the theme which is the most important thing. I need to read this pg 7 Greek tragedy!
Aug 26, 2022, 4:16 PM
Christopher (1 like)
I really like your clean and concise art style! The story shows clear character growth and progresses nicely. It would be nice to see in greater detail how exactly Iman struggles with his mother's hurtful remarks and how the friction polishes him into a better person over time. Overall, I enjoyed your reel and I love to see this fully flushed out!
Aug 23, 2022, 5:55 AM
Ivan (1 like)
That's a really good point, I'd love to expand a little bit more of his struggles and I wish I have more time developing it. thanks for bringing that up!
Aug 26, 2022, 4:20 PM
This story had great character growth through out. I really enjoyed how relatable the character was and his success at the end. as an audience member I found myself really rooting for him. I liked how the different art styles complimented the story and also showed the emotion of the story. Awesome job.
Aug 23, 2022, 4:38 AM
karen (1 like)
I really liked the drawings, the composition, and the perspective. I really liked the storytelling and how relevant the story is to others. What a great story in general, I really liked it!
Aug 22, 2022, 10:48 PM
Thank you for your message, means a lot!
Aug 22, 2022, 11:01 PM
Brandon (1 helpful)
It seemed like a nice, quick story that follows a character's change over time. The shift from "class clown" to "third in the class" is an interesting one to see - any shift from one extreme to another is always interesting to watch. Your beats were all clear and precise; each one seemed to flow neatly into the next.
After reviewing the story, here are some notes I have:
- Detailing the struggle that Iman is going through when trying to study (like going through long sleepless nights, or failing tests) might've made your character more personable. Showing the audience the challenges Iman goes through will work to make the audience root for him, making him achieve his goal that much more satisfying to watch.
- This might just be more of a personal preference, but seeing as how the relationship between him and his mother was like a side-story, I would've liked to see his mother congratulate him since it would complete that side-story. Her not believing him makes it feel like the story is somewhat incomplete.
Outside of that, I really enjoyed watching your film; (assuming multiple people worked on this) I especially liked seeing the different art styles that resulted from this project being group-based.
Aug 22, 2022, 8:59 AM
Thank you for your suggestion! It'll be a good addition.
Aug 22, 2022, 10:45 PM
I liked how you modified the story to not be so aggressive with the protagonist.
I really like your line.
Aug 21, 2022, 8:38 PM
Ivan (1 like)
It misses the impact I'm looking for, but I think it's probably better this way. Thank you for the input
Aug 22, 2022, 10:45 PM
Tori (1 like)
I love the character development that places centered around such a fundamental aspect of life which is learning. I think that the lesson of learning to improve at the skill for yourself as opposed to for others is huge and definitely essential. Great job, I love this!
Aug 21, 2022, 8:19 PM
Thank you for noticing it. The hardest job is to not make it OBVIOUS!
Aug 22, 2022, 10:46 PM
Julieta (1 like)
Hi! Wow this is a big change! The last submission I reviewed from you was about ghosts, so I see that you have completely changed your story! It must have been very difficult to do that so close to the end of the program, so congratulations on having managed to develop a new story in such a small amount of time.
I like this new story, I think we can empathize very well with your character, since we've all been through school and occasionally there are bad influences that we have to learn to avoid. I also like that your character changes his personality so drastically, and that he learns that beyond seeking the acceptance of others for what he does, the most important thing is to feel proud of oneself and learn along the way.
Good job! Congratulations on finishing the Xperiential program :)
Aug 21, 2022, 9:50 AM
Ivan (1 like)
Thank you for all the previous inputs. Though the last idea was fun to develop, I wasn't really connecting w the story emotionally. Thank you for the kind words and I'm glad you "get" it as I had the idea for the ending was such a last-minute addition. Great job on yours too!
Aug 22, 2022, 10:51 PM
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It’s the mid 90’s, Iman is a sophomore high school student, and a certified class clown.
He’s living his best life, school is his playground
He didn’t take his study seriously, his grades are below average, and cheats his way through school.
Until one day, he got caught cheating on his test.
Iman and his mother are called in to the principal’s office.
She is none too happy about that.
When they walk out of the office, Iman can see his mom’s face--she’s fuming!
Knowing that, he tries to weasel his way out, making excuses, and downplay the whole thing
"OW!" he said
Mother pinches his ear.
Some of his classmates gasped, some chuckled.
He is so embarrassed and to top it off he almost tear up, but he holds back.
So he tells himself that he is going to get a better grade otherwise his other ear will get pinched or worse.
The next day, his friends teases Iman how he got caught
He plays it cool, but clearly not amused.
During the class, the teacher announces that for this year’s prize, the top 10 students will get a gift certificate for a free pizza.
Iman scoffs bec he doesn’t care and there’s no chance he will get it anyways
For the next few days, Iman participates more in class, asks questions, sits in front of the class.
His grades still sucking.
While his friends horsing around, Iman’s nose stuck in a book
At home, Iman continues his study late into the night, although his mother doesn’t notice.
Slowly and surely his grades are improving
He has a different group of friends now
He’s more confident and begins to love the joy of learning.
The final test day
Iman is having difficulty answering test questions
He looks around
His no-good friends try to give answers by putting a note inside an eraser.
Iman is having a second thought
Finally decides NOT to do it
“sorry man, i’m gonna try to do this by myself”
His friend just shrugged.
The next day the teacher handed the test results individually to students.
Iman is nervous
Once he got the test back
He cannot even look
Won’t you know it?
Not only does he gets a high mark, but he is in rank #3 in the class!
Even he cannot believe himself; flabbergasted
The teacher smiles,
hands Iman the prize: a free pizza gift certificate
Iman rushes home
and told his mother the good news
“Look what I got!” says proudly
Mother is silent for a beat
“Did you cheat?” she says
“No, I swear” Iman replies
Another beat
She continues “I don’t believe you”
and just like that she walks away.
Iman is devastated
He tears the gift certificate.
The next day, just another day at school
The teacher gives rounds
Iman knows the answer to this question,
yet he’s hesitated to answer
The teacher notices him and calls him out
Everyone stares at him.
Iman answers sheepishly
Then the teacher replies, “That's correct…okay next.”
Iman realizes it feels good to learn regardless of what happened.
This is where the special thanks would go! I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.
Special Thanks: