Cute story! If there's one thing that jumped out at me, it was how well you did at establishing the mood and feel of your story. The art, color, and background music all worked together to create a picture of the world you were trying to convey.
Aug 22, 2022, 8:46 AM
What a fun romp in the forest. Very pleasing visuals, good music and sound effects choices (even the Wilhelm scream hehe). I am mighty curious as there is only 1 anthropomorphic animal there, I would imagine a "beaver" would understand the importance of keeping the balance of nature in tact. And in truth, most beaver dams do not completely block a river off, it slows it down to that of a stream. I am sad that this beaver does not have the trademark beaver tail. It is incredibly impressive to have a fully colorized story reel in such a short time. Though if I had to guess, you remained in colors the majority of the time. There is some value work missing when you move from gradient monotones to a colorized spectrum, this makes your 2D short film seem rather flat and lacking perspective. Though by Caldwell Crew, I am curious how many people were on your team and if that a benefit or a hindrance on a project of this kind. But overall, it is a delightful watch with a surprising amount of content within a mere 5 minute run time, so great job on that. Thank you for having the courage to share your work with us and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Summer.
Aug 21, 2022, 9:41 PM
This was a very fun story to follow! I loved all the foley sound and the background music, really helped add life to the very expressive drawings. And Castor's story was very fun, seeing him deal with the problems as they came, it's a pretty great comedy short, good job!
Aug 21, 2022, 5:14 PM
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Hope everyone enjoys Castor's story it's been a blast making it!
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Special Thanks:
Caldwell Crew