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Sophia (1 like, 1 helpful)

This is such a unique concept, your dedication to this shows and it's well done! My only note echoes the others but to watch the pacing specifically in your Act 2. Otherwise, fabulous job Siddharth! I had a wonderful time watching this!


Aug 23, 2022, 12:34 AM



Hi Sophia! Thank you so much for your feedback and your kind words!
Yes, the Act 2 is definitely the one that needs the most trimming down. I'll look into how I can pace it better!
It's great to know that you had a good time watching my storyreel! Once again, thanks a lot for your feedback!


Aug 23, 2022, 5:05 AM


Gina (2 likes, 1 helpful)

Hi Siddharth! Cute story and a unique storyline! I also loved the moral that sometimes ordinary can also be great and that's all Nimbus needed. Adding some frames to illustrate some points of narration may help reduce your run time. Also, you may want to cut down some of the dialog, such as the discussion between the brooms. These points may help get the idea across faster. I also liked the interaction between the brooms and the lessons learned. Good job on you final reel!!


Aug 22, 2022, 10:48 PM


Siddharth (1 like, 1 helpful)

Hello Gina! Thanks a lot for your feedback!
I am really happy that you liked the storyline and the moral!
And your suggestion to add more frames to illustrate the story better without a lot of narration is really useful. It will surely help me cut down on the unnecessary runtime. I'll definitely take a closer look at my reel and look for the places where I can make these changes!

Once again, thanks a lot for your feedback! :)


Aug 23, 2022, 5:01 AM


Charlie (1 like, 1 helpful)

First off great job! I think as the others have mentioned, it is a bit long and could maybe get a few edits to clean it up just a bit. The climax and ending were both so well done! The overall story has such an excellent moral and it really came as a surprise as I was watching, really great job!


Aug 22, 2022, 7:17 PM



Hi Charlie! Thank you so much for your feedback!
I will definitely take a closer look at what parts of the reel can I trim and edit out to make it more compact and still deliver the same message that I want to deliver.
It is really great to know that you experienced an element of surprise with the story, because I was afraid of the story being too predictable.

Once again, thanks a lot for your feedback! :)


Aug 23, 2022, 4:56 AM


Story (1 like, 1 helpful)

Bravo on the fantastic story, great vocal delivery, use of music and clarity in your drawings. you should be proud of this. Bravo!!!


Aug 22, 2022, 6:15 PM


Siddharth (1 like)

Thank you so much! This means a lot! This was my first full fledged project where I got to do everything from the writing to the drawings to the narration and editing, and I learnt so much and had so much fun! :)
It looked like I'd miss the 20th June deadline, but I stretched myself in the last 3-4 days and was so happy that I could submit on time! If there is something that I am the proudest of, it is just being able to meet the deadline despite it looking far-fetched!

Thank you so much for your kind words! It made me feel really good! :)


Aug 23, 2022, 4:45 AM


Kristen (1 like, 1 helpful)

Awww so adorable! I like the story and it’s really well thought out! So many good dialogue moments and music and everything is lovely! The story/lesson really reminds me of the first movie of Pixar’s - Cars. One thing I would suggest is trying to figure out areas to cut. As you probably know, it’s very long. Other than that, wonderful job! I’m glad I got to see it!


Aug 21, 2022, 9:24 PM


Siddharth (1 like)

Hi Kristen! Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm glad you liked the story!
Yes, when I was putting together the storyboards and I saw that the runtime was almost 13 minutes, I did realise that it was a bit too long. I knew my storyreel would be a little long because it is so dialouge heavy, but yeah I did go overboard by making it close to 13 minutes!
I'll look into it and see where I can cut and edit the video. But this is a good learning for me for my future projects, that I have to always keep the length of the video in mind.

Once again, thanks a lot for your feedback! :)


Aug 23, 2022, 4:41 AM

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Nimbus, the magical broomstick's life takes an unexpected turn when he accidentally falls into an ordinary broom closet. Torn between the magical and the non-magical worlds, Nimbus embarks upon a journey of self discovery. Head over to the video to witness his story! :)

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Special Thanks:

Siddharth Dixit



Nimbus and the Brooms

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