Kaylee (1 like)
Hi! Great story with such an interesting concept! Excellent job! I really love how short yet clear and concise your story is!
Aug 22, 2022, 3:23 AM
This story kind of seemed very personal and like it was something the creator has experienced themselves, however I’m worried it might be too personal and for the average audience might not be able to see such an appeal. I kind of got some inside out vibes from the idea of a conflict existing the main characters head and how the ideas are personified to fight for Alex’s attention . I would really like to see how inside Alex’s brain she reworks things in pop culture she’s already seen into new and creative ideas. There could also be a higher stake like maybe if Alex is too busy consuming new pop culture that she is unable to make school work , or maybe have Alex barely make the cut off for a dream art school . Something like that to ramp up tension A lot of passion and personal experiences went into this submission which is great to see , but I would worry about alienating your audience.
Aug 21, 2022, 10:47 PM
Jamila (1 like)
Hi! I like how your story focused on an internal struggle, especially one that fits the Xperiential program (seeing as this program focuses a lot on story). I think that I would've stayed away from including those posters and stuff, since they're copyrighted. Also, if you choose to continue workshopping your reel, maybe instead of repeating the same images several times you could incorporate new ones? Overall, great work with this program! I liked your narration and use of color as well.
Aug 21, 2022, 8:02 PM
Gillian (1 like)
I really like your story! Your concept is one that I think many people can relate to, and Alex is someone people can connect with. Because of this, the audience can connect with you story more. Overall, great story!
Aug 21, 2022, 12:57 AM
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here is my final story reel for my Xperiential project I hope you enjoy.
This is where the special thanks would go! I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.
Special Thanks:
Alexx Animatics