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I love it. Very well done :)


Aug 27, 2022, 2:40 AM


Ava (1 like)

This is a really unique story that I think a lot of people can relate to! I love seeing Olson change his ways, I wonder if there could be tiny clues dropped in to show his little moments of guilt so it doesn’t seem like such a giant, sudden change at the end?

Great story, awesome character development, FANTASTIC JOB!!!


Aug 24, 2022, 7:29 PM



Thank you!


Aug 25, 2022, 9:18 PM


Mason (1 like)

This turned out really good and I enjoyed your final project. I still like the lesson learned and like that you had a unique story too. Great job!!


Aug 22, 2022, 5:53 PM



Thank you so much!


Aug 22, 2022, 11:12 PM

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Olson is a 10-year-old boy who always lies. When he breaks his mother's favorite possession, he needs to find a way to cover it up. Can Olson find a way? Can Olson Stop lying?


ACT 1:

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Olson. He looks like an average 10-year-old, but he always lies to everyone. Olson has black hair and brown eyes. Even if the lie is very effective, Olson finds a way to lie about it without regretting it. Olson feels the need to lie because he wants to fit in and act like an angel. Every day, Olson is shown the same exact family heirloom. He will one day inherit it when he’s proved to his parents that he can keep it in perfect condition and he’s responsible to clean it every week. This exact family heirloom is a teapot. It has a lavender flower painted on it. Until one day when his mom was trusting him to examine it on the shelf while she cooks dinner, he knocks it over. The teapot shatters into pieces. The pieces aren’t too small, and Olson finds a way to lie about breaking his mother’s teapot.

ACT 2:

Olson’s idea was to try and glue the broken teapot up and because of that, Olson tries to look around for something that will help him put together his mother’s teapot. Olson searchers in his bedroom, the office, and even the drawers where glue might be held. Finally, Olson checked the last drawer, and there, was a tube of glue that looked like it could help him. Because of that, Olson rushes with the glue to his bedroom, where he had the broken pieces of the teapot so his mother didn’t see it. He glued 2 of the pieces together and it magically turned into a single piece. It was good as new! After putting all of the pieces together, he puts the teapot back on the shelf. His mother comes to check on him and sees the teapot back on the shelf. She asked Olson if anything happened. He lied and said no. And because of that, Olson used the tube of glue whenever he broke something. Although, guilt was starting to cover Olson.

ACT 3:

A few days later, Olson ran out of the magical glue since he used it a lot because Olson was blown away by how cool the glue was. One day, Olson’s mother looked closely at the teapot because she thought something was up. She examined the teapot and found a chunk of glass missing. She went to Olson’s room and found a piece of glass lying underneath his bed. Once Olson got home from school, she confronted him. Olson was hesitant to say anything and had thoughts racing in his head. His heart was beating fast. Finally, words slipped out his mouth. “I’m sorry.” His mother had a talk with him and asked him why he’s been lying. He told her it was because he wanted to appear like an angel and fit in with others. She hugged him and told him that she has done the same thing when she was little. She told him why it was bad to lie because she wanted the best for Olson. And ever since then, Olson has stopped himself from lying and gained the trust of everyone. Hopefully, in the future, Olson can be entrusted with the teapot to carry on the legacy.

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:




Breaking Lies

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