Christian (1 like)
Congratulations on completing the short!
Character designs are like the ones you see in actual tv cartoons and you get a full ten points from me. (Forgive me since I don't know their names) Sewing girl, angel archer and the rest of the character designs are top notch. The sketches are lovely to look at, gesture and emotions are easy to read along with usage of basic monochrome type colors. I also really the action sequence at the beginning, can follow it easily with the staging. I feel like the editing was good with the verity of cameras techniques and shots.
I know this isn't your fault, the story is somewhat hard to follow without a description or any sound effects and had to rematch it to fully understand the story. From what I understand, it follows a group of heroes battling living darkness, with some far more interesting powers than the protagonist who isn't sure she can live up to her peers (personally, I really liked her sewing magic, really unique as a super power), especially angel archer whom she likes the most.
Overall, I feel it's a contender for the best peer review award that would've be even better with sounds and music. Good job.
Aug 27, 2022, 9:12 PM
Hi Christian,
Thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback. Thank you! These are some of my favorite characters- their names and alibis are as follows: Sewing girl is Willow/Needle, Angel Archer is Aspen/Sparrow, Butterfly Fairy is Omi (short for Naomi)/Wish, Wolf is Quinn/Fang (their pronouns are he/they!), and the fish inspired character is Charlie/Tide.
As for the story- you've pretty much got it! Each character has an animal and an element/celestial body associated with their powers- Aspen's is a bird and the sun, so his fire magic is more able to directly deal with darkness, whereas Willow's ram/moon magic is more dark aligned and support-based. She's awful good about ensuring those portals are mended up so more shadows don't come through. Her magic and hobby being textile based was through a long and convoluted thought process of 'well her animal inspiration is a sheep and so we spin thread from wool and well we commonly describe the night as a tapestry an-' and so on and so forth. I had some music picked out, but like I said, with how late my submission was getting I felt it was easier to just submit the initial cut with no sound. BUT!! If you want the general aesthetic of music I had in mind, I worked a lot to the Sayonara Wild Hearts soundtrack, and the game in general- Claire de Lune, Begin Again, and Inside were big inspirations for this project. I took a lot of reference from Studio Trigger's BNA closing as well!
Aug 30, 2022, 6:19 AM
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I finally uploaded, hooray! Eventually I would like to add audio, but unfortunately so much happened this final week that it wasn't in the cards for now.
Thank you all for a great class this summer, its been a wonderful experience.
Seasons change, and so do I!
This is where the special thanks would go! I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.
Special Thanks:
Maggie (Evie) D.