I love the way you presented your story and acted out your characters with such emphasis! One part I found a bit confusing though was the wishing part and how the things Alora wished for magically true: Where did it come from? Did she know she already had this power before she realized that it also affected her mom’s disappearance? Were the wishes also the result of her mother’s return?
Other than that, your story was beautifully well told! Great job!
Aug 22, 2022, 8:54 PM
Hi Bethany,
I love your narration (the dialogue is great) and how it supports your work. I like your drawings and the camera angles you used in your frames. You definitely get the various characters' emotions across, which is great! If you do perhaps work further on this project, perhaps you could show the interactions between her and her mother where you used the dialogue and show her aging up to high school.
The ending is a little abrupt and it is unclear how her mother actually returned when her wishing didn't achieve this. I'd have loved to have seen a little more use of lighting but otherwise, you have a lovely story of wish fulfillment and how one should be careful what one wishes for. I like that you brought it back around to her fulfilling her mother's wish for Alora to be educated. Congratulations on finishing your story reel!
A little note, I think you mean despair when you say disparity.
Aug 22, 2022, 1:17 PM
Great idea! I can see the work put in there! Curious to know how her mom will come back!
Aug 21, 2022, 8:37 PM
Hello Bethany,
Your art, compositions and stages are clear and colorful. I like it so much. Your story idea is really relatable. I see only one unclear point in the story that how her mother return back? What causes this? Well done, congratulations:)
Aug 21, 2022, 8:52 AM
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Alora thought of an idea...
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